Kate Curry


Kate gained a BA Honours degree in Music at Bangor University, followed by a Post Graduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) at Exeter University. She has been a primary school teacher in Buckinghamshire for over 35 years, as well as teaching the oboe at both primary and secondary level for many years.

Having successfully completed the National SENDCo Award Kate has been employed as SENDCo in two primary schools over the past 12 years. In these roles she has worked with and coordinated support for many children with both autism and other Special Educational Needs, and has extensive experience in creating an ‘Autism Friendly Environment’ within mainstream schools.

Kate lives in a Bucks village with her husband, and in her spare time enjoys gardening, horse riding and reading.

When told that we would miss a couple of sessions due to bank holidays, the student said “I will miss you. Talking to you is what keeps me sane.”

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