Training for Teachers

We design bespoke training packages for the needs of your staff and your setting. We fit the service around the child because every young person with ASD is different.

“Everyone found the course incredibly useful and couldn’t wait to try out some of your suggestions. Thank you so much!”

Assistant Head at Loughton School after a training course at her school on ‘Girls on the Spectrum’
See more testimonials...

Training can be delivered in a number of ways:

  • One to one with specific staff
  • Managing anxiety – furthering understanding and the use of practical techniques to support young people on the spectrum
  • Demand avoidance, furthering the understanding of the use of PDA strategies
  • To large or small groups as INSET training
  • As an intensive block of support over a few weeks
  • Together with other professionals in a multi agency context

Click here for our upcoming Training and Workshops

As teachers, we are trainers who interact with course participants regularly through the sessions. For maximum value, two AuTC Specialist Teachers will attend for training of over 20 participants.

Follow up additional advice can be given in your setting or over the telephone.


Popular training topics include:

  • Enabling Environments. Supporting pupils in primary and secondary classrooms.
  • Supporting the Child with Autism on the Playground.
  • Gender Differences: how to spot and support girls with autism.
  • The Uses and Benefits of using Social Stories™ and Comic Strip Conversations™.
  • Understanding Others: Planning, running and evaluating successful social groups.
  • Supporting pupils through puberty and adolescence..
  • Adapting Environments to Maximise Outcomes, taking into account sensory differences.
  • Supporting Pupils through Transition to Secondary School.
  • Planning for Adulthood. Looking forward to college/university and onto the work environment.