PDA Profile Workshops for Parents

The PDA Profile of Autism

Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA) is a condition which now widely recognised as part of the Autism Spectrum.

Children and young people with demand avoidance share areas of difficulty with other autistic spectrum disorders, but strategies and approaches found to be effective can be very different.
Come along to a series of 5 workshops focussed on developing your understanding of the condition and discussion of strategies to help you and your family cope with the challenges this brings to family life.

Tracy Roberts, who leads the area of PDA support for AuTC will run these sessions, supported by Hilary Harvey, from the South Bucks PDA Support Group

Botolph Claydon Village Hall, MK18 2LP,

on the following Fridays, 10.30am – 12 noon.

27th Sept, 4th Oct, 6th Dec, 2019 and 17th Jan, 24th Jan 2020.

The total cost for this series of workshops will be

£80 per person.

To book click on the button below